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sex shop rating sex shop rating sex shop rating sex shop rating sex shop rating(4,9/5)

Revisão Por Alan Pereira, sex shop rating sex shop rating sex shop rating sex shop rating sex shop rating
O entendimento é cativante! Obrigado
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Revisão Por Helder Casinha, sex shop rating sex shop rating sex shop rating sex shop rating sex shop rating
Loja com bastante diversidade de artigos. Site intuitivo. Expedição super eficaz
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Revisão Por HG, sex shop rating sex shop rating sex shop rating sex shop rating sex shop rating
Boa variedade de artigos. Site muito intuitivo. Rápida e eficaz expedição e entrega.
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Privacy Policy
When the text reads “we”, “our website”, “Online Store”, “Welcome Lover”, it refers to the Company OMC, Lda, to which this store belongs.
Welcome Lover is an online sales store whose scope is the sale of various articles related to sex life, such as: men's and women's lingerie, lubricants, condoms, massage articles, intimate hygiene articles, male and female stimulants , sex toys, among others of the same genre.
When the text reads “users”, “visitors”, it only refers to visitors without registration on the site; “Customers” are users who have already registered on the Online Store.
When the text reads “data holder” it refers to the personal data of customers/users. When the text reads “RGPD” it refers to the European data protection law.

About the Data Protection Act

In order to comply with the European Law, General Data Protection Regulation ( RGPD ), which comes into force on May 25, 2018 and replaces the current directive and data protection law in force, we have made all these clarifications.

However, we always advise a more detailed consultation by the user about their rights, so you can consult more information on the website:



Welcome Lover has updated its privacy policy, so that the information provided to its users / customers is more transparent, and undertakes to comply with and implement all the necessary measures that meet it.

Welcome Lover does not (and will not) have the purpose of processing, selling or exchanging personal data, but due to its online activity, it is responsible for their security, for clarifying its users / customers, and for complying with the new rules in effect.

What is considered Personal Data

- name and surname;
- home address;
- email address, such as [email protected]
- identification card number
- location data (for example, the location data function on a mobile phone)
- IP address (Internet Protocol)
- cookie id
- your phone's advertising identifier;
- data held by a hospital or doctor, which may be a symbol that uniquely identifies a person.

What is not considered Personal Data

- company registration number
- email address, such as [email protected]
- anonymous data

Other changes to the law now include the right to:

Right to portability
The data subject, the “client”, becomes able to request access to the data existing on our website and it is done by request.
Welcome Lover has no way of importing any data from another website.

right to be forgotten
The data subject, “client”, now has the power to request that their personal data be removed.
Welcome Lover will have to provide customers with information about what data it retains and for what purpose, if requested.
It will also have to create and implement technology that can give users the right to Opt-Out / Opt-In in the transmission of this data (NewsLetters / Notifications)
All customers can request from Welcome Lover, the removal of all their customer data. This measure only applies to customers and is made upon request within a period of 20 days.
The data to be erased depends on how the customer uses the Welcome Lover website, that is, whether he placed orders, comments, used coupons, etc. and taking into account whether they are considered personal data or not (in the case of Companies).
Note: If you have placed orders, all Promos associated with your account are also deleted.
Note: Invoicing is not carried out online, but in a Management software by MOLONI, which under national law must maintain invoices. This data includes mandatory data such as Name and Address, and optional data, Telephone and NIF if the customer has provided them.
right of access
The holder of personal data has the right to obtain confirmation from Welcome Lover that the data concerning him or her are subject to treatment and, if applicable, to access their personal data and access the information provided for by law.

If you want more than one copy of your personal data being processed, Welcome Lover may subject this service to payment of a fee for administrative costs.

Right of Rectification
The holder of personal data has the right to obtain from Welcome Lover, without undue delay, the rectification of inaccurate or incomplete data concerning him.

Right to limitation of treatment
The data subject has the right to obtain from Welcome Lover the limitation of treatment, if one of the following situations applies, namely:

a) Challenge the accuracy of the personal data, during a period that allows Welcome Lover to verify its accuracy;

b) The processing of data is lawful and the data subject opposes the erasure of his personal data and requests, in return, the limitation of its use;

c) Welcome Lover no longer needs personal data for processing purposes, but these data are required by the holder for the purposes of declaration, exercise or defense of a right in a judicial process;

d) If you have objected to the treatment, until it is verified that the legitimate reasons of the person responsible for the treatment prevail over those of the data subject.
right of opposition
1. In cases where data processing is carried out for the legitimate interests pursued by Welcome Lover;
2. When data processing is carried out for direct marketing purposes
3. The data subject may also, at any time, oppose the processing of his personal data.

Data for Registration
We remind you that the entire site is encrypted by a Security Certificate, so that the data sent between the server and the user is safe.
We start by providing information about the personal data that a user provides and that is collected when registering with Welcome Lover:
Required fields
- Name and surname
- Household
- City
- District
- Postal Code
- Country
- Email address
- Telephone
- Password (encrypted)
- Acknowledgment of the Privacy Policy.

Optional Fields:
- Tax Information (Name, NIF)
- Receive Newsletter

The Mandatory Fields collected on the registration page are intended for sending orders and contacting the customer.
Your data will be kept for this purpose for 2 years of inactivity.
When registering with Welcome Lover, it is now mandatory to indicate that you are aware of our privacy policy.

This visa is associated with the created account.

The Name / NIF Optional Fields are intended for billing purposes.

This data provided to Welcome Lover is limited to internal use and is not shared with any external service, except for e-mail, first and last name if you choose to subscribe to the newsletter (see Section on data shared with third parties).
Other Information Collected
your IP
The date of registration on the website / last accesses to the website.
Data from your device / browser.

Why do we need this data?
This data collected by our website is key both for its operation and for its security, including a cookie with the session ID, IP and device. They allow the online store to create / know / analyze whether a customer:
Used a discount coupon
How many Promos (card points) do you have.
Placed Orders.
Contact requests or messages.
Location (IP – allows us to detect intrusions to reserved areas).
Device (Lets us know what type of view to show (smartphone, tablet, computer)

All this data is only processed by Welcome Lover (Controller and Data Processor), and for the operation of the Online Store. They last for the duration of the session started when visiting the site.

They also allow to improve the navigability of the site, knowing the type of devices / Operating System / screen resolution, in order to make the site available for viewing on them.
Note: The IP allows us to detect intrusion attempts by IPs to reserved areas of the website, in order to be able to block them.

Data shared with third-party websites
According to the regulation (RGPD), Welcome Lover is a data controller and if linked to third-party services, these are the data processors.
All of these services are reviewing and improving their privacy policies to comply with the GDPR.
Welcome Lover may process your data to send you information about its products and services.

This data processing will only be carried out with your consent, provided at the time of registration of the customer account on our website.
If you consent, you will receive marketing communications via email and SMS. Welcome Lover may also share your data with third parties that manage social networks, such as Facebook, for the purposes of carrying out marketing campaigns through social networks.

Consent to the processing of personal data for direct marketing purposes can be revoked at any time.

a) Challenge the accuracy of the personal data, during a period that allows Welcome Lover to verify its accuracy;

b) The processing of data is lawful and the data subject opposes the erasure of his personal data and requests, in return, the limitation of its use;

c) Welcome Lover no longer needs personal data for processing purposes, but these data are required by the holder for the purposes of declaration, exercise or defense of a right in a judicial process;

d) If you have objected to the treatment, until it is verified that the legitimate reasons of the person responsible for the treatment prevail over those of the data subject.
right of opposition
1. In cases where data processing is carried out for the legitimate interests pursued by Welcome Lover;
2. When data processing is carried out for direct marketing purposes
3. The data subject may also, at any time, oppose the processing of his personal data.

Data for Registration
We remind you that the entire site is encrypted by a Security Certificate, so that the data sent between the server and the user is safe.
We start by providing information about the personal data that a user provides and that is collected when registering with Welcome Lover:
Required fields
- Name and surname
- Household
- City
- District
- Postal Code
- Country
- Email address
- Telephone
- Password (encrypted)
- Acknowledgment of the Privacy Policy.

Optional Fields:
- Tax Information (Name, NIF)
- Receive Newsletter

The Mandatory Fields collected on the registration page are intended for sending orders and contacting the customer.
Your data will be kept for this purpose for 2 years of inactivity.
When registering with Welcome Lover, it is now mandatory to indicate that you are aware of our privacy policy.

This visa is associated with the created account.

The Name / NIF Optional Fields are intended for billing purposes.

This data provided to Welcome Lover is limited to internal use and is not shared with any external service, except for e-mail, first and last name if you choose to subscribe to the newsletter (see Section on data shared with third parties).
Other Information Collected
your IP
The date of registration on the website / last accesses to the website.
Data from your device / browser.

Why do we need this data?
This data collected by our website is key both for its operation and for its security, including a cookie with the session ID, IP and device. They allow the online store to create / know / analyze whether a customer:
Used a discount coupon
How many Promos (card points) do you have.
Placed Orders.
Contact requests or messages.
Location (IP – allows us to detect intrusions to reserved areas).
Device (Lets us know what type of view to show (smartphone, tablet, computer)

All this data is only processed by Welcome Lover (Controller and Data Processor), and for the operation of the Online Store. They last for the duration of the session started when visiting the site.

They also allow to improve the navigability of the site, knowing the type of devices / Operating System / screen resolution, in order to make the site available for viewing on them.
Note: The IP allows us to detect intrusion attempts by IPs to reserved areas of the website, in order to be able to block them.

Data shared with third-party websites
According to the regulation (RGPD), Welcome Lover is a data controller and if linked to third-party services, these are the data processors.
All of these services are reviewing and improving their privacy policies to comply with the GDPR.
Welcome Lover may process your data to send you information about its products and services.

This data processing will only be carried out with your consent, provided at the time of registration of the customer account on our website.
If you consent, you will receive marketing communications via email and SMS. Welcome Lover may also share your data with third parties that manage social networks, such as Facebook, for the purposes of carrying out marketing campaigns through social networks.

Consent to the processing of personal data for direct marketing purposes can be revoked at any time.