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sex shop rating sex shop rating sex shop rating sex shop rating sex shop rating(4,9/5)

Revisão Por Alan Pereira, sex shop rating sex shop rating sex shop rating sex shop rating sex shop rating
O entendimento é cativante! Obrigado
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Revisão Por Helder Casinha, sex shop rating sex shop rating sex shop rating sex shop rating sex shop rating
Loja com bastante diversidade de artigos. Site intuitivo. Expedição super eficaz
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Revisão Por HG, sex shop rating sex shop rating sex shop rating sex shop rating sex shop rating
Boa variedade de artigos. Site muito intuitivo. Rápida e eficaz expedição e entrega.
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How to place an order online at Mister Cock?

Registering on the website is the first step to placing your order. Just do it once. From then on, the entire purchasing process is faster and allows you to track all the status of your orders. Then, just select the articles and click the ADD button.

How to Login to the Mister Cock website?

In the top right corner you will find a button that says “My Account”. Click, then you will be able to enter your email or username followed by your password and click on “login”.

How to create an account at Mister Cock?

To create an account, click on “My Account”, fill in the form with your email and password and confirm with “Create your account”.

Your account can also be created at the end of your first purchase, just put a tick where it says "Create account". The space to place the visa is right in the personal data, after the place to enter the Postal Code. Never forget that your data is safe with us.

What if they are items with different colors and sizes?

First you have to select the color and/or size, only then click the ADD button.

How many items can be added to the cart?

Whatever you want, depending on existing stock. If it is not possible to increase the number of items, it is because we no longer have quantity in stock.

When I finish adding products to the cart, where do I click to complete the order?

What steps should I follow to complete the order?

1. After clicking the "Order" button, you are redirected to the total list of ordered products where you can see all the products you selected, add or remove products.

NOTE: it is in this panel that you can add any discount coupons you have. The space available for this is in the bottom right corner.

2. Click on the icon that says Confirm

NOTE: if you are registered and have already LOGIN, your personal data, such as name and address, will automatically appear in the Billing Details. Make sure all the details are correct, especially the shipping address.

3. Click on the CONTINUE button.

NOTE: If you want the order to be sent to a different location than your billing address, click where it says Send to a Different Address.

4. If the address is the same as the billing address, just click the CONTINUE button

5. Then you go to the panel where you can review your entire order, choose the payment and shipping method.

This last panel is another place where you can add a Discount Coupon.

6. Read and accept the terms and conditions by placing a checkmark.

7. Lastly, Confirm Order.

NOTE: your order will be processed when you make payment, with the exception of cash on delivery.

How do I know that the Mister Cock Team has received my order?

When you confirm your order, a message will appear with the following information: "Thank you. Your order has been received."

This information will also go to your email, check your spam folder if you have not received it.

If this message does not appear or does not go to your email, please contact us by email ([email protected]), by telephone 223192134 or by cell phone 913033454.

What payment methods do I have available?

You have 4 payment methods available:

- Payment by ATM reference;

- Bank transfer or bank deposit;

- Credit card;

- MB Way.

Will the name Mister Cock appear on my bank records?

No, never forget that your privacy is very important to us.

What name appears?

OMC is the name that appears in bank records for payments made via bank transfer, credit card or collection. For payments made via ATM the name Ifthanpay appears.