Condoms, Lelo Respect to XL, Hex, 36 Units, 3204061
Condoms, Lelo Respect to XL, Hex, 36 Units, 3204061
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Condoms, Lelo Respect to XL, Hex, 36 Units, 3204061 Condoms, Lelo Respect to XL, Hex, 36 Units, 3204061 Condoms, Lelo Respect to XL, Hex, 36 Units, 3204061 Condoms, Lelo Respect to XL, Hex, 36 Units, 3204061 Condoms, Lelo Respect to XL, Hex, 36 Units, 3204061 Condoms, Lelo Respect to XL, Hex, 36 Units, 3204061 Condoms, Lelo Respect to XL, Hex, 36 Units, 3204061

Condoms, Lelo Respect To Xl, Hex, 36 Units,




Reference: 3204061

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Must-have accessories

Taking care of Lelo HEX That the XL's are the best condoms, and the more high-end luxury LELO.
With stylish packaging to match the life-style of the user, and most of all, the size of the HEX That the XL is the latex condom for men and larger-than-serious about the sex, and the pride and joy of pleasure.
With a diameter of 58 mm, with Respect to XL is one of the largest condoms on the market and they offer a real point of difference compared to the original, 54-inch.
Taking care of LELO's HEX, you really have come to the industry since its launch at the end of 2016.
In less than a year, with the HEX it's an established brand, which is available on the of 21,000 points of sale, in the U.S., bringing the heritage of the pleasure and luxury of the LELO's for the hundreds of thousands of homes.
The HEX is the first in the history of the actual success on this industry for decades, and That the XL is the culmination of all that work.
The second generation of the new wave of sexual expression, healthy. The condom's designer. Since the release of the HEX of the Original, in 2016, the customers ' call for additional sizes - a larger size, in particular.
A condom is 58mm in diameter. Research has shown that humans can feel, a difference of only 2 mm and in the sizes of the condoms.
The difference of 4 mm between the Original and the one That the XL, as per requested by our customers, and it offers a little more room for those who prefer a fit that is less restrictive. Because of the condoms that fit better, and felt better.
As a LELO HEX, does it work?
The LELO HEX gives you strength, leanness, and sense through its revolutionary structure in the usa.
This is the first major innovation in years, and the media all over the world as one of the most important advances in the technology of a condom.
The structure of 350 hexagons are connected together, and the HEX allows you to feeling sexual, more sensitive, intimate, in addition to a more secure fit that clings smoothly to the user, to counteract the slipping.
A perfectly smooth outside, textured inside for a for a web the usa, and it stretches to fit a wide number of ways, with safety and security.
Individual cells in the network of cells and does not allow for compromise.
Only 0,045 - 0,055 mm thick, and the HEX is in one of the condoms and the thinnest on the market.
Safety: THE HEX will not only meet, but also exceed all international standards for safety and security.
In addition to this, the Lelo tests electronically, all of the project to ensure the highest possible quality.
Unique Design: inspired by nature, the design of the moulds to the user as any other condom.
Material: natural Latex
Thickness: 0,045 mm
Diameter: 58 mm (4 mm wide)
Max. length: 195 mm (15 mm longer).
A little smelly
Natural color
Lubricated (non-spermicidal)





Os hexagonos são mesmo uma inovação no ramo dos preservativos. Esses tem qualidade e a experiência luxuosa.

Brand name:LELO
The length of the Condom:195 mm
Available 15 minutesSim

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