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Here's Why You Shouldn't Use Anesthetizing Products

Published : 2022-12-19 15:19:31
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Here's Why You Shouldn't Use Anesthetizing Products

For those new to anal sex it can be a frightening experience and, if done incorrectly, painful. That's why many people look for ways to mask the pain and make anal penetration easier.

The most requested product for this is the anesthetic cream. But this is not the best solution for a good anal experience, it can often be just the opposite. Here we tell you why you should not use anesthetic or anesthetic products.

First, anal sex should be about pleasure, not pain, for BOTH partners involved. Your anus is filled with tons and tons of nerve endings that, when stimulated, can send waves of pleasure throughout your body. Now tell me, do you really want to anesthetize this?

Second, bathing your anus in anesthetics won't necessarily make the process any easier, there's just a better chance of something going wrong, i.e. tearing, and not knowing when to stop because you can't feel.

Trust me, we're not advocating a "smile and accept the pain" kind of attitude here. However, we believe it is a much better idea to relax, take it easy and slow, use plenty of lubrication and let your body guide the process. So there you have it, the secret to great anal sex... relaxation!

There are many things that can help relax the anal muscle. For example, we have several lubricants, sprays and serums in our range that were created specifically for this purpose. With natural ingredients or not, these products help to relax the anal muscles without losing sensitivity. That way, if something goes wrong, you'll be able to feel it and you can stop.

Always opt for products without anesthetics. You can look for alternatives and you will have a much more pleasurable, satisfying anal sex experience and you will definitely want to repeat it! See HERE our relaxing products.

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