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Why choose an inflatable butt plug?

Published : 2022-11-22 15:14:21
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Why choose an inflatable butt plug?

First, what is an inflatable butt plug? An inflatable plug is exactly what you're thinking… It's a butt plug that can increase in size while it's inside your anus.

We know it can seem intimidating, but this sextoy is far from it. If you are a control freak, this toy is perfect for you because you are fully responsible for it. The same could be said of any other toy, yes, but this one is a little different.

What we're telling you is that the toy won't grow any further than you decide, so it's perfectly safe to give it a try. You can start slowly and see if you like it, and we can guarantee you'll love it!

Inflatable plugs are very versatile and can replace anal training kits or any other anal plug set. We're pretty sure we don't need to explain how or why, right?

Inflatable plugs come in different types and sizes.

If you're new to the butt plug field, let us introduce you correctly. This versatile sex toy is sure to change your sex life for the better.

Like any other sex toy, this one comes in many different types and sizes too. They can be small and perfect for beginners or extra large too. However, we're not sure how much anal training you'll need to get to the extra big ones.

Anyone can use plugs and they are not just reserved for gay men. In addition to the ones we mentioned, there are also many other types, such as:

Classic Plugs, Anal Training Kits, Vibrating Plugs, Inflatable & Expandable Plugs, Tail Plugs, Jeweled Plugs and the list goes on. There is no doubt that there is a butt plug for every type of person, no matter what you are looking for. Today, however, we're going to talk more about inflatable plugs ​​and why they're suitable for all experience levels.

Beginners usually buy simple plugs.

So if you're a beginner, you probably won't buy many plugs. It all depends on what you want to achieve with your new anal toy. Some people also buy sets. Plug sets are available for anyone who is sure they want to increase sizes gradually.

This avoids having to look for a bigger one when the time comes. However, your first butt plug experience should always be with a small toy. Starting small is essential as it ensures you don't end up getting hurt.

A fantastic tip for beginners is to use lots of lube. However, this should apply to everyone. As you know, your anus doesn't lubricate naturally. That's why you need to help him before using him.

Anyway, if you are looking to test your anal limits, we recommend that you look for a set or several sizes of the same model. But if you just want to experiment before making any other decisions, you're more than welcome to get an inflatable plug.

Inflatable butt plugs are flexible and work with all experience levels

An inflatable plug does exactly what you think it does. You slide it into the anus and use a pump to inflate it. Don't worry, he won't grow up alone any time soon, you're totally in charge. This way, you can exceed your limits as much as you want. And don't worry, the pump is extremely reliable.

But how does this cater for different experience levels? Well, for starters, you can just insert the plug and leave it there, you don't need to inflate it if you're not ready. Again, you control everything. And when you feel like it's time for something bigger, you can give the pump a little squeeze and gradually increase the size.

Now the same could be said for those with more experience. You must use the bomb in the way you think best and explore your limits. Going beyond what you thought you could do is always exciting, and the inflatable plugs will provide you with just that.

Inflatable butt plugs for BDSM

These plugs are very useful and can serve you, even if you are part of the BDSM community. Like? The sky is the limit, but we can think of some examples.

Inflatable plugs can actually prepare you for anal sex. If you're living the dom/sub lifestyle, these plugs can help you. They are extremely useful for controlling someone's orgasms or giving someone else control of yours.

You decide which inflation you want and how everything will go. However, inflatable plugs can have an entirely different use in dom/sub games. The punishment game is quite popular, so how do you use these plugs during it? Simply inflate the plug as much as you like.

However, this type of game is not for BDSM beginners, as it involves a person in pain. But if that's what you like, go ahead - this toy can help. Just be sure to keep it safe, logical and consensual.

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