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What your zodiac sign says about your penis size

Published : 2023-07-20 10:48:27
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What your zodiac sign says about your penis size

We know that nowadays, many people have a huge connection with the characteristics and descriptions of the sign itself. But have you ever heard that your sign can reveal information about your penis?

For those who like the subject, the time we were born, that is, our sign is directly related to various aspects of our personality and also with our physique! That's why we brought you all the characteristics of your penis according to your sign.


What is shown in the horoscope about the size of the Aries penis is a medium or even large penis! The testes, on the other hand, have a small size, like a plum, and are proportional. The head is also said to be sharper than rounded.


Taurus lives up to their name! Taurus men have a huge penis! It can be said that here the relationship between the signs and the size of the penis is obvious!


As for Gemini, the horoscope says that he is a more shy man and the penis has a small size, reaching medium. However, they seem to make up for the energy and creativity in bed and where it matters. After all, size isn't everything!


The crab man has a medium penis and less firm testicles, according to what his horoscope says. The Crab Man is not as vigorous as a Taurus, but he works well to get an approximate result.


As in Taurus, here the relationship between the signs and the size of the penis is obvious again. Like a true Leo, the Leo man has a thick, vigorous penis and testicles are not far behind. He is the type of man who is successful in his love life.


Virgo Virgos just name the sign, because the penis is above average size and would please anyone! The head of the penis is more rounded, almost oval.


The Libra sign is the sign of balance and the Libra man has a beautiful penis! He is well endowed, but without losing his balance, the man with scales enjoys a balanced, well-presented penis and they know how to use it very well!


Scorpions are small animals, but Scorpio men's penises are not at all! In addition to being long, it still has an enviable diameter that leaves nothing to be desired. This is the kind of man that will fill you completely.


Who does not have dog, hunts with cat! While the penis isn't the Sagittarians' strong point, this man works a lot harder to make up for the rest! Sargittarian men are also adept at tantric sex.


Capricorn men cannot complain about their penis size. They are known for having a thick and enviable penis. The testicles, on the other hand, seem to have sagged a little too much.


About Aquarians, the horoscope says that they have large testicles and medium-sized penises. Despite being stubborn, they set out to deliver what they promise.


It may be from the relationship with water, but Pisceans also have dropped testicles! And as for the penis, they use it well and tend to have a much longer length compared to its thickness, so you already know what to count on.

So, do you think the horoscope is right about your penis size?

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