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What is demisssexuality?

Published : 2022-09-23 11:30:43
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What is demisssexuality?

Demisexual people are only sexually attracted to an emotional bond with the person. They can be gay, straight, bisexual or pansexual and can have any gender identity.

The prefix “demi” means half – which can refer to being half sexual and half asexual. Demisexuality can be a 'gray' kind of sexuality. A 'gray' person may feel very sexual, but they may also feel sexually but not as interested in sex.

Demisexual people don't turn on someone, when they know who they feel. They've only known for awhile, the kind of someone who happens to know time.

Different nomenclatures for demisssexuality

Demisexuality is unique to the need to have a connection with before feeling the name. However, some people may use terms for other 'gray' sexualities to refer to demisexuality. These include:

low sexual intensity

Demiromanticism is related to, but different from, demisexuality. Demyromantic people need to have an emotional connection with someone before they can feel romantic with them.

Myths and misconceptions about demisssexuality

Demisssexuality does not mean that someone is prudish or afraid of sex. Demisexual people just aren't sexually aroused by new people. Demisexuality is also not related to a moral or religious belief about sex. It's a sexual orientation, not a choice.

It is also a myth that demisexuality is a sign of low sex drive. Once demisexual people are in a sexual relationship, they have varying levels of sexual desire. Some may have sex frequently, while others may not. Demisexuality only refers to the type of attraction a person feels, not how often they have sex.

A common misconception is that demisexual people need to be in love with someone in order to feel sexually. Demisexuality requires a connection, but for many people, this can be a close friendship or another type of non-romantic relationship.

opt for only with people who know the time or with whom a close connection is not necessarily long demisexual sex. Demisssexuality is not a casual preference – it drives the one that comes before sexual encounters.

How to help your loved ones understand demisexuality

Coming out as a demisssexual person is a personal decision. You don't have to assume you don't want to. Your sexual orientation is your problem. If you decide to tell others, your friends and family may have a lot of questions after you come out to them. It might be helpful to gather some online resources on demisexuality that you can share. This will answer their questions and take some of the burden of explaining away from you.

Even with a list of resources prepared, you might still accurately explain some things about demisexuality to your friends and family. It may help to compare it to other sexual orientations. For example, gay people are only attracted to people of the same sex. Demisexual people are only attracted to people they have an emotional connection with. This comparison can help them better demisexuality.

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