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How ​​to make a “quickie”?

Published : 2023-03-08 14:00:21
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How ​​to make a “quickie”?

A quickie is quick, messy sex, nothing predictable. In this brief moment, impulses prevail over romanticism and delicacy – to the great pleasure of both! Well, pleasure is the goal, and modesty and shyness are not on the agenda! The simple fantasy that quick sex arouses often replaces all imaginable foreplay…

If you're not sure how you got here or if you know exactly why, we've prepared some tips to make the most of your quickie.

Quick Sex

The quickie is a relatively common expression that defines an unexpected and sudden sexual relationship (even then, consented, of course), without reasoning and without control, very fast and at the same time pleasurable. It is a meeting between two partners who surrender to impulses, and let only their bodies and instincts express themselves, going beyond logic and restraint.

In short: it's an intense and exciting practice that can happen anytime and anywhere, when the sexual attraction is strong enough and the moment makes sense for both of you. And that's why there is no "method" for a quickie. And luckily, this is the case! For if there were a manual for this, where would be the charm and pleasure of these spontaneous moments?

The “quickie” is only valid for casual sex?

No! While speed may suggest that the relationship needs to be "cold", the quickie is as valid for couples as it is for strangers in a casual relationship. This is because we are talking about a time when the desire is so strong that there is no need for any preparation or planning.

Both partners want the same thing: to go straight to the act, bluntly and even out of control. It's not about dominating the partner, or letting instincts take over, but articulating these two desires, two bodies that give themselves to each other, in a consensual way. But for those of you who still don't really understand what the quickie is, let's see more about this sudden and instinctive practice.

What is a “quickie”, anyway?

A quickie is a wilder, faster sexual relationship between two partners who are in search of orgasm as quickly as possible. If, on average, intercourse lasts about 8 minutes (varying according to individuals and life spans), a quickie might only last about 3 to 4 minutes. No caresses or foreplay, more direct, unexpected, but still pleasurable sex.

When and where to do it?

As we said earlier, you don't plan a quickie. Both of you have to let your impulses speak louder, as long as you both agree. It is important that the two are on the same beat, so these moments cannot be predicted. Still, it is possible to create a certain vibe or situation.

If you fantasize about having sex somewhere, maybe because it's forbidden, because you don't have time... Or at your place of work, or in any other place where restriction is a source of excitement... You can privilege these situations or contexts, as long as your partner or partner also enjoy the surprise! Many people already enjoy simply seeing the excitement they arouse in each other.

Sometimes these moments come on their own, without any of the partners foreseeing them. Either way, excitement should be shared, so make sure the other person is excited enough.

Places depend on personal fantasies, habits and also chance: at home or in the office, in an empty movie theater, by the pool, before a meeting or meal, in the bathroom of a restaurant, in the kitchen at home…

What makes the “quickie” exciting?

His sudden and unpredictable nature. The greatest excitement comes from the fact that both partners let their impulses do the talking uncontrollably. Precisely because it can be quite exciting to see the other person give themselves to you in this way. In addition, it helps to spice up the sex life, to defy censorship or change habits. Finally, you can also discover a new side of your partner.

How ​​to make a “quickie” work

There is no instruction manual, but the important thing is that the pleasure must be shared. If you manage to surprise the other and arouse enough desire in him, the main challenge will have already been overcome: the quickie is mainly psychological.

The emotion she arouses can be enough for either of them to have an orgasm in a very short period of time. If you both have an orgasm, it's a perfect quickie! Either way, excitement and pleasure will be there. Orgasm is not mandatory, but it can happen that one person's orgasm provokes another's. The goal is for the two to get there as quickly as possible.

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