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How to choose and use retardants

Published : 2023-03-02 09:34:23
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How to choose and use retardants

Many men think that retarders are only for use by people with premature ejaculation and this is a mistake. This product goes much further than that and can be used in different occasions and situations.

How to choose the best retardant?

There are several types of retardants available in the market. The basic function of all is the same, to delay ejaculation and make the sexual act more prolonged. However, with the advancement of technology in the development of more effective formulations, products with more functions than just delaying have also been created.

With this new technology, products have emerged that, in addition to delaying ejaculation, can also increase the rigidity and volume of the penis at the same time. Several brands have developed gel, spray, cream and drops. Other brands invested in the aroma of the product, which made them more pleasant for users and more interesting for couples.

There are also condoms that were created and developed with the retarding effect. Condoms already come with a retarding product inside and you just have to put them on to experience the effects. However, for those who prefer a more amplified result, the gel, spray and delay cream become much more interesting. With these options, you have control over the amount you are applying and the exact place where you are going to apply it. In terms of prices, they can vary between €10 and €50.

How to use retardant products?

The use of most products to delay ejaculation is quite simple and does not require many steps. It is enough to add the retardant, initially, under the head of the penis and also spread the product throughout the region of the genital organ.

It is extremely important to know that the effect is not immediate. Therefore, we recommend that you apply the product at least 5 minutes before sexual intercourse (and after oral sex, if applicable). This will give you enough time to ensure that your skin absorbs the retardant completely.

Can retarders be harmful?

The products developed by the erotic industry are carefully tested so that they do not have side effects and do not cause harm in the long run. Meanwhile, if you're experiencing premature ejaculation problems, know that there are treatments and that you don't have to live with this problem.

Retarders are perfect to help you solve a problem that might be interfering with your nights and your sex life. But it must be taken into account that the idea of ​​the product is only to help and not to solve completely. Therefore, you should always consult a doctor before using any such product.

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