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How ​​to be a better versatile

Published : 2022-12-29 14:01:38
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How ​​to be a better versatile

Within the sexual preferences in a relationship (casual or not) gay there are many roles that you can play. Your preferences in bed can influence a lot and it's only up to you to improve your skills for a better sex life. So we brought you tips to become a better all-rounder.

So what is "versatile"?

If you're not familiar with the term, versatility is when someone is willing to be both active and passive during sex. It's not easy to be versatile, the role requires a lot of communication and practice between partners. But when done right, it's a wonderful experience. Here are some of our tips for being a better all-rounder.


Cleanliness and hygiene are essential at any point in your life, but for sex, especially as a versatile gay man, it's even more so. Even if you're not planning on being passive, you never know where the night will take you, so a kick is always welcome.


Chances are, your partner knows you're versatile and finds it very exciting. So flirt about it. Bonus points if the people you flirt with are versatile too! They will love the fact that you can go from passive to active in just a few minutes.

Be creative

Part of being versatile means being a little spontaneous and fun. That could mean new toys in the room, or it could mean trying out some unique positions. Anyway, don't be afraid to experiment.

Secure your share

Being versatile means double everything. More condoms, more lubricant, more cleaning, more preparation. That means paying for your own lube and condoms is just the most considerate move for you and your partner.

Know what you want

Do you mainly want to be the active one? Or would you rather be passive for certain partners? Do you have limits to where an asset or liability can touch you? Make sure you know what you want and how you want it before the night begins.

Be honest

Do you have a preference between being active or passive? Okay, it's common among versatile men. Just be sure to be open with your partner about what "versatile" means to you and what that means for your sex life.

Enjoy the possibilities

A versatile man can be a rare find in the queer community. You have the ability to please anyone: assets, liabilities, other versatile people and more, you name it. With great power comes great responsibility, as RuPaul said.

Within the sexual preferences in a relationship (casual or not) gay there are many roles that you can play. Your preferences in bed can influence a lot and it's only up to you to improve your skills for a better sex life. So we brought you tips to become a better all-rounder.

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