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Everything you need to know about male sexual desire

Published : 2023-04-20 13:09:33
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Everything you need to know about male sexual desire

There are many stereotypes that portray men as sex-obsessed machines. Books, television shows, and movies often feature characters and plots that assume men are sex-crazy. But it's true? What do we know about male sexual desire?

Stereotypes about male sexual desire

So what stereotypes about male sexual desire are true? How do men compare to women? Let's look at these popular myths about male sexuality.

Men think about sex all day

A recent Ohio State University study of more than 200 students debunks the popular myth that men think about sex every seven seconds. That would mean 8,000 thoughts in 16 hours! Young people in the study reported thoughts of sex 19 times a day, on average.

Well, the study also suggested that men thought about food and sleep more often than women. It is possible that men feel more comfortable thinking about sex and reporting thoughts. Terri Fisher, the study's lead author, states that people who reported being comfortable with sex on the study questionnaire were more likely to think about sex often.

Men masturbate more often than women

In a 2009 study of 600 adults in Guangzhou, China, 48.8% of women and 68.7% of men reported that they masturbated. The survey also suggested that a significant number of adults had a negative attitude towards masturbation, particularly women.

Men usually take 2-7 minutes to reach orgasm
Masters and Johnson, two leading sex researchers, suggest a four-phase model for understanding the sexual response cycle:

⦁ excitement
⦁ plateau
⦁ orgasm
⦁ resolution

Masters and Johnson claim that both men and women experience these phases during sexual activity. But the duration of each phase differs greatly from person to person. Determining how long it takes for a man or a woman to reach orgasm is difficult because the arousal phase and the plateau phase can begin several minutes or several hours before a person reaches climax.

Men are more open to casual sex

A 2015 Trusted Source study suggests that men are more willing than women to engage in casual sex. In the study, 6 men and 8 women approached 162 men and 119 women in a nightclub or on a college campus. They issued an invitation for casual sex. A significantly higher proportion of men accepted the offer than women.

However, in the second part of the same study carried out by these researchers, women seemed more willing to accept casual sex invitations when they were in a safer environment. Women and men saw pictures of suitors and asked whether or not they would consent to casual sex. The gender gap in responses disappeared when women felt they were in a safer situation.

The difference between these two studies suggests that cultural factors such as social norms can have a big impact on the way men and women pursue sexual relationships.

Gay couples have more sex than lesbian couples

This myth is difficult to prove or debunk. Gay men and lesbian women have a variety of sexual experiences, as do straight men and women. Single gay men living in urban cities are reputed to have a significant number of partners. But gay men are involved in all kinds of relationships.

Lesbian couples may also have different definitions of what “sex” means to them. Some lesbian couples use sex toys for penetrative sex. Other lesbian couples regard sex as masturbation or mutual caressing.

Men are less romantic than women

As suggested by Masters and Johnson's four-phase model, sexual arousal is different for everyone. The sources of arousal can vary greatly from person to person. Sexual norms and taboos often shape the way men and women experience sexuality and can impact the way they report it in surveys. This makes it difficult to scientifically prove that men are not biologically inclined toward romantic arousal.

Sexual Desire and the Brain

Sexual desire is often described as libido. There is no numerical measure for libido. Rather, sexual desire is understood in relevant terms. For example, a low libido means a decrease in sexual interest or desire.

Male libido lives in two areas of the brain: the cerebral cortex and the limbic system. These parts of the brain are vital to a man's sexual desire and performance. They are so important, in fact, that a man can have an orgasm simply by thinking about or dreaming about a sexual experience.

The cerebral cortex is the gray matter that makes up the outer layer of the brain. It's the part of your brain responsible for higher functions like planning and thinking. This includes thinking about sex. When you get excited, signals that originate in the cerebral cortex can interact with other parts of the brain and nerves. Some of these nerves speed up the heart rate and blood flow to the genitals. They also signal the process that creates an erection.

The limbic system includes several parts of the brain: the hippocampus, hypothalamus and amygdala, and others. These parts are involved with emotion, motivation and sexual desire. Researchers from Emory University Trusted Source found that viewing sexually arousing images increased activity in men's tonsils more than in women. However, there are many parts of the brain involved with sexual response, so this finding does not necessarily mean that men are more easily aroused than women.


Testosterone is the hormone most associated with male sexual desire. Produced primarily in the testes, testosterone plays a crucial role in a number of body functions, which include:

⦁ development of male sex organs
⦁ body hair growth
⦁ bone mass and muscle development
⦁ voice deepening at puberty
⦁ sperm production
⦁ production of red blood cells

Low testosterone levels are often linked to a low libido. Testosterone levels tend to be highest in the morning and lowest in the evening. In a man's life, testosterone levels are highest in the late teens, after which they begin to slowly decline.

Loss of libido

Sexual desire may decrease with age. But sometimes a loss of libido is linked to an underlying condition. The following can cause a decrease in sex drive:

⦁ Stress or depression: If you are experiencing mental health issues, talk to your doctor. He or she may prescribe medication or suggest psychotherapy.
⦁ Endocrine Disorders: An endocrine disorder can lower male sex hormones.
⦁ Low Testosterone Levels: Certain medical conditions, such as sleep apnea, can cause low testosterone levels, which can affect your sex drive.
⦁ Certain Medications: Some medications can affect your libido. For example, some antidepressants, antihistamines, and even blood pressure medications can impair erections. Your doctor may suggest an alternative.
⦁ High blood pressure: Damage to the vascular system can impair a man's ability to get or maintain an erection.
⦁ Diabetes: Like high blood pressure, diabetes can damage a man's vascular system and affect the ability to maintain an erection.

Only you can measure what is normal for your sexual desire. If you are experiencing changes in libido, talk to your doctor. Sometimes it can be difficult to talk to someone about your sexual desires, but a medical professional can help.

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