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11 rimming tips everyone should know

Published : 2022-12-23 11:14:38
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11 rimming tips everyone should know

Everyone has a butt. This means that everyone, regardless of gender, can receive rimming (or Greek kiss). If you want to give your partner an amazing experience, read on for 11 tips on how to practice rimming the way you need to know.

It's a good idea to do your hygiene first

Washing the outside of your butt is imperative. Washing the outside makes the whole experience better. There may be small traces of toilet paper in your ass that can make the experience less pleasant, so at least get in the shower beforehand and use soap or shower gel.

If you choose the shower/anal douche, don't rush

Most men do the douche. It is simply more hygienic to shower before sex as there are some health risks associated with rimming. Don't rush your douche regimen or you'll have to jump in the shower again for another clean, and when someone's mouth is up your ass and you're trying to relax, you don't want to accidentally release trapped water.

The douche is recommended for a nice long rimming session – which is a great precursor to another penetrative sex. And if you want a good, long session, you may need a good, long cleaning session first. If you don't know what it's like to do the shower or chuca.

Do not over-clean

Cleaning too much can mean cleaning too often (don't do it every day) or too hard (be gentle and easy) or putting too much water on the tail without letting go. Overdouching can disrupt the delicate environment in your rectum and colon that your body needs to process waste in a healthy way.

For a pro tip: never spend more than an hour getting ready for sex, and within that hour, take frequent breaks to massage your tummy/abs and make sure you release all the water.

Do not start rimming as soon as you finish your douche

It is wise to wait. Water can get stuck and when you are lying on your back or stomach, water can come out. That's why many people lie on their left side: to release trapped shower water. You don't want to accidentally do this when his mouth is up your ass.

Diet really is everything

Depending on who you ask, medical experts and others, it is generally agreed that gay men are overdoing douching – and that douching in general is a largely unnecessary and even potentially harmful practice. Most enemas, hoses and other cleansing regimens squirt too much water, water that can dry out your skin and cause other problems. Some say a finger check is enough – if you're clean, you're good to go. Others say that if you want to clean the inside a little, you'll need a lot less water than you think.

What most people agree on is that diet really is everything. Lean meats (not red meat), vegetables, sweet fruits and foods that don't cause gas (cabbage, onions, broccoli) will make your butt smell and taste better, and fibrous foods will make your cleansing process faster. Using your body's natural way of cleansing is the best way. Fiber compacts your poop and helps flush everything out of your colon when you sit on the toilet.

Rimming is more than your tongue. Vary it

Aggressive rimmers go straight for the anus and just continuously lick in the same motion over and over, gradually pushing the tongue deeper and deeper. . Saliva dries your skin, and the anus is the last place you want to dry, especially if rimming is foreplay.

Divide your attention between the orifice and the hypersensitive area around it. Make drawings and patterns (stars, zigzags, spirals, concentric rings, horizontal licks, vertical licks, quick stitches, long strokes, etc.). Tickle the anus with just the tip of your tongue and then stick your tongue in as deep as you can. Alternate between the widest, flattest part of your tongue and the narrowest tip. Give quick, light licks between deep, strong, and prolonged licks.

Daily fiber supplements help!

If you don't consume enough fibrous foods, you can always take a fiber supplement. Fiber is incredibly good (and necessary) for healthy digestion – and having a clean ass depends entirely on your digestive health. If you're prone to stomach pains, loose, watery poop, or infrequent bowel movements, or if you're having trouble getting completely clean for sex, you're probably not getting enough fiber daily. Most men do not consume the necessary amount of fiber daily.

Your breath is as important as your tongue. use it

Don't underestimate the effect of breathing on the skin. If you've ever put someone in bed, you know how someone's breath can feel on your neck. You can please or comfort, excite or annoy, it all depends on your sensitivity.

Breathing is vital for a good rimjob. Making a small “o” with your lips and blowing into your anus can make your partner moan. This is usually a cooler breath. Alternately, like when you breathe down someone's neck, a jet of warm, open-mouthed air moistens the anus and adds a tingling sensation of anticipation – making them ready for the tongue dip.

Know the health risks

If you're being rhymed, you're pretty safe. Sit down and enjoy. If you are the one doing the rhyming, your risks are higher of contracting gonorrhea, hepatitis A, harmful amoebas, herpes, syphilis (if there is an open wound), conjunctivitis, among other diseases. Even clean, groomed tails can still carry these diseases, and STDs aren't unique to rimming. Most sexual contact has the potential to transmit unwanted infections. Professionals would recommend the use of dental dams.

If you have a beard, use it

Some people love to feel the stubble on their butt, but others don't. This is a personal preference. Best way to find out if he likes it? Try and ask. A beard and stubble can tickle and create a pleasant texture in the anus, but they can also scratch and irritate you. It all depends on your partner.

Don't be an endless rimmer

No matter how good you are, saliva will dry out the skin and the rim of your anus and stop being pleasant at some point. The best thing you can do is use rimming as foreplay, as a warm-up for more sex, more toys, and so on. Read his body language and learn when to finish rimming.

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